Our client Econt redesigned its brand and positioning and needed to reimagine all of it’s touch points with the clients.
client brief
Creating a design standard including brand communication and navigation for 600+ branch offices of Econt.
client brief
Creating a design standard including brand communication and navigation for 600+ branch offices of Econt.
our approach
We did in-depth research which included onsite observations, interviews and mystery shopping. The results showed good levels of brand awareness but also showed the need for service improvements especially during rush hour. To find a solution, we created a few different prototypes which we tested in 6 locations and after approval launched another 60, then in all 600.
3 months
key results
The research showed that the initial objectives in the brief needed to change. There was in fact an entirely new problem to be solved - how to ensure fast and seamless service during rush hour when traffic is 10-fold. A few different prototypes were tested - a fast lane solution, a drop-off zone and a rush hour desk. These ideas were born out of field observations that some clients come with ready to be shipped parcels. Well wrapped and labeled they could be processed separately and significantly reduce the queue during rush hour.

success factors
Field observations that led to real insights about customer satisfaction. Agility on behalf of the client that allowed for shifts and iterations during the sprint.

Find out more about our Redesigning Spaces: Retail Space Design Services and how we can apply it to your space and business needs.